Clear guidance for achieving painless breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Is Stressing you out

Does this sound like you?


You continue to have nipple pain with breastfeeding NO MATTER what you do to fix it! You’ve adjusted your baby’s positioning, focused on getting a wide latch, and watched hundreds of Youtube videos, yet the nipple pain continues.

You dread breastfeeding. You really want to love it BUT because it’s so uncomfortable and stressful for both you and your baby, you cringe when your baby cues they are hungry.

Your baby has a hard time with breastfeeding and you just KNOW they hate it. They latch & unlatch, fuss and cry at the breast, and fall asleep like they would rather be doing anything else than eating.


Imagine If You Could…

  • Breastfeed without ANY pain or discomfort

  • Throw your feet up, lay back, and relax WHILE breastfeeding

  • ENJOY breastfeeding a bonding experience

  • See how much COMFORT your baby gets by being at the breast

  • Trust yourself that you are doing a great job & might have this whole feeding thing figured out


Are you ready to feel confident & empowered instead of overwhelmed?


Hi! I’m Jonelle Lund RN BSN IBCLC.

I am passionate about helping parents of babies with tethered oral tissues.

Breastfeeding shouldn’t be painful or overwhelming! 

As a mother of 3 children, I have experienced just about every breastfeeding challenge there is (engorgement, damaged nipples, oral restrictions of baby, nipple shield use, mastitis, formula supplementation).

These personal challenges along with my experience as a registered nurse have made me passionate about meeting moms and babies right where they are and helping parents like you overcome breastfeeding challenges.


Jonelle isn’t someone who only knows the science behind successfully breastfeeding, but more importantly, her passion for moms and babies makes her stand apart.


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Feeding Pain & Tongue Tie Evaluation- $275

You need expert guidance because you have tried EVERYTHING to make breastfeeding work and you don’t know what else to do to improve things. You’re not ready to quit breastfeeding & you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make breastfeeding feel better.

After our 90 minute visit, with a clear plan for achieving painless, effective feedings you will feel confident knowing that painless feeding IS possible and that you have expert guidance every step of the way.


Best Start Lactation Visit-$275

As a new parent, feelings “mom guilt” and “mom doubt” have robbed you from enjoying your baby & the breastfeeding experience. You have concerns about your milk supply because you feel you should be making more, are unsure when your baby is hungry or if they just want to comfort nurse, are worried you’re doing nothing the “right” way.

If you’re thinking “yes, that’s so me” you NEED this visit! You will go from doubt & uncertainty to confident & empowered in just 90 minutes.


Telehealth (virtual) Lactation Visit- $150

Your baby is gaining well BUT you have questions about all the things - How do I use my breast pump? Do I even need to use a breast pump? How do I get rid of my engorgement? How do I increase my milk supply so I can build a freezer stash? Do I even need a freezer stash?…

You’re looking for quick, convenient answers & this 60-minute lactation visit will get you all the answers + skills you need to overcome any common breastfeeding concern.


If you have Blue Cross, Cigna, Aetna, United HealthCare, Humana, or your card has the MultiPlan logo on it, check to see if your insurance covers your visit!


Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice are subject to a $75 cancellataion fee. Late log-on for televisits (15 minutes or more late), will be asked to reschedule. No-shows of televisits are subject to a $75 cancellation fee.


The E3 Method

I’ve implemented the TOTs 3 step methodology that helps families achieve painless breastfeeding and that will help you breastfeed painlessly as well.

Step 1

Firstly, we evaluate your baby's oral anatomy to identify what is contributing to breastfeeding pain.


Then, I will provide education on my findings so that you have a good understanding of the various factors impacting feeding now and potentially down the road.

Step 3

Lastly, I will provide you with an execution plan which will include referrals to the appropriate providers if necessary along with activities and exercises to do at home that will improve your baby's feeding skills and your overall comfort.


“Jonelle arrived to my hospital room at the exact right moment. She came with a smile and instantly heard my worries. Our course was complicated by an early term baby girl who was small for gestational age. She had trouble latching and was losing weight. The medical team made their plan for us, but Jonelle helped make a plan with my goals in mind. She wrote out a plan of care for us and made herself available in the early days and weeks as we continued to work on breastfeeding and gaining weight. Our breastfeeding journey continued to have bumps along the way, but Jonelle was always there for us. Her dedication, kindness, and empathy made a huge difference to my transition into motherhood and I am forever grateful. With Jonelle's help we were able to meet our goals and we are still breastfeeding today at almost 18-months-old!”



 Read the FAQs


Will a lactation visit really be helpful?

Yes! Absolutely. While sometimes all parents need is a bit of reassurance, many more need answers for why breastfeeding is painful no matter what they try.

After a visit with me, you will know what is causing your pain & more importantly, you’ll have a plan for how to resolve it.

I’ve seen an IBCLC before but I’m still having pain. How will a consultation with you be different?

Unfortunately, many IBCLCs are not knowledgeable in tongue-tie or oral dysfunction and it’s possible that the provider you saw was limited in their ability to help.

The 3 step methodology I use is a proven framework that leads to improvements in feeding comfort. If your last IBCLC didn’t provide you with an action plan to do at home to improve feeding beyond latch & positioning changes, I can assure you that a visit with me will be beneficial.

Do you only help parents that have feeding pain or discomfort?

No! I love helping families dealing with painful breastfeeding achieve comfortable feeding, but it’s not the only thing I do. I can help with common breastfeeding issues (mastitis, plugged ducts, low milk supply, weight gain issues to name a few) & the not-so-common issues ( breastfeeding & prematurity, IGT, Raynaud’s & Vasospams, etc, etc.)

If you’re looking for empowering support that will lead to confidence with feeding, regardless of the issue, schedule a visit! You won’t regret it.

Should I do schedule a virtual or in-person visit?

That is totally up to you! Some people really enjoy virtual visits and others prefer hands-on support. If you or someone in your home is COVID positive or has come in close contact with someone that is COVID positive in the past 14 days, you will need to schedule a virtual visit for the time being.


Are you ready to improve your breastfeeding journey?